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Foreign Affairs Magazine is optimistic about Australia's future and features APV.
The October 2018 edition of the Foreign Affairs magazine provides an optimistic view of Australia's future as we become increasing integrated into the globalised economy and supply chains. We are no longer an isolated island economy of sand, beaches and deserts - although living in Melbourne, I'm not sure that picture truly represents Australia anyway. On a GDP per capita basis we rank 5th in the world and international trade is our engine room for growth. More than ever we need to be...
3 June 2020
APV to adopt a flexible workforce model and calls on Gov't to keep Australian Manufacturing running.
Today at APV we consulted with our staff to keep everyone informed of the latest impacts of the Covid19 health and economic shocks. The business is fighting hard to ensure that we protect the health and well-being of our employees, and to keep them employed through this crisis. To this end APV has called on Gov't to keep Australian Manufacturing operations open on the pre-requisite that appropriate Health risk mitigation measures are in place to protect their workforce. In effect our ...
30 March 2020

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